We continue to provide help with personal hygiene items for people in dorms in Austria.
Till now 7 dorms participated, all details can be found in separate posts in the news section.
Now it's possible to help
* Bendlgasse 10-12 (till now 330 euros were spent via Amazon)
* Neulengbacherstraße 6, Maria Anzbach (till now 314 euros were spent via Amazon)
* House Mira (Katsushikastraße 1) (till now 890 euros were spent via Amazon)
For the last several months we also provided personal hygiene items to these dorms:
* Handelskai, 265 (342 euros)
* Arbeirgasse, 45 (445 euros)
* Gumpendorferstraße 65 (1177 euros)
* Hadihof (1920 euros)
Thank you!